November 26 1999 horoscope and zodiac sign meanings
If you are born under November 26 1999 horoscope here you can find a remarkable fact sheet about your birthday astrology. Amongst the aspects you can read about there are Sagittarius trademarks, Chinese zodiac animal traits, love and health properties as well as an unexpected personal descriptors assessment plus a lucky features interpretation.
Horoscope and zodiac sign meanings
As a starting point here are the most often referred astrological implications of this date:
- A person born on November 26, 1999 is governed by Sagittarius. The period designated to this sign is between November 22 - December 21.
- Sagittarius is represented with the Archer symbol.
- As numerology suggests the life path number for anyone born on November 26, 1999 is 2.
- The polarity of this astrological sign is positive and its representative characteristics are enthusiastic and affable, while it is classified as a masculine sign.
- The associated element for this astrological sign is the Fire. Three characteristics of someone born under this element are:
- having the courage to finish what's started
- feels guided and appreciated as part of the universe
- being aware of spiritual law
- The associated modality for Sagittarius is Mutable. The main three characteristics of natives born under this modality are:
- deals with unknown situations very well
- likes almost every change
- very flexible
- It is considered that Sagittarius is most compatible with:
- Aquarius
- Leo
- Libra
- Aries
- Sagittarius is considered to be least compatible in love with:
- Virgo
- Pisces
Birthday characteristics interpretation
Considering astrological meanings November 26 1999 can be characterized as a remarkable day. That's why through 15 behavioral characteristics decided upon and tested in a subjective manner we try to analyze the profile of someone having this birthday, concomitantly offering a lucky features chart that aims to predict good or bad impacts of the horoscope in life, health or money.
Horoscope personality descriptors chart
No resemblance!
Hard working:
Little resemblance!
Very good resemblance!
Sometimes descriptive!
Completely descriptive!
Completely descriptive!
Good description!
Great resemblance!
Some resemblance!
Some resemblance!
Rarely descriptive!
Little to few resemblance!
Little to few resemblance!
Rarely descriptive!
Quite descriptive!
Horoscope lucky features chart
Pretty lucky!
Great luck!
Quite lucky!
Little luck!
Sometimes lucky!
November 26 1999 health astrology
Natives born under Sagittarius horoscope have a general predisposition to confront with illnesses or diseases in connection to the area of the upper legs, especially thighs. In this respect the one born on this day is likely to suffer from health problems and ailments like the ones listed below. Bear in mind that these are only a a few possible health issues, while the possibility to be affected by other diseases should be considered:
Rheumatism which is the general term for some affections of the joints and connective tissue.
Cellulite (buttocks) which represents adipose deposits in this area, also known as orange peel syndrome.
Narcissistic personality disorder which is the disorder in which someone is obsessed with their own image.
Osteoporosis which is a progressive bone disease that cause bones to become brittle and predisposes to major fractures.
November 26 1999 zodiac animal and other Chinese connotations
Chinese culture has its own version of the zodiac that captures through a strong symbolism; which attracts more and more followers. That's why we present below this birthday's significance from this perspective.
Zodiac animal details
- The linked zodiac animal for November 26 1999 is the 兔 Rabbit.
- The Rabbit symbol has Yin Earth as the linked element.
- It is belived that 3, 4 and 9 are lucky numbers for this zodiac animal, while 1, 7 and 8 are considered unfortunate.
- The lucky colors for this Chinese emblem are red, pink, purple and blue, while dark brown, white and dark yellow are the ones to be avoided.
Chinese zodiac general characteristics
- There are several traits that best define this symbol:
- friendly person
- elegant person
- conservative person
- steady person
- A few common features in love of this sign are:
- emphatetic
- subtle lover
- peaceful
- cautious
- Some statements that can be sustained when talking about the social and interpersonal relationship skills of this sign are:
- often easily manage to make others happy
- can easily make new friends
- often playing the role of peacemakers
- often seen as hospitable
- If we study the influences of this zodiac on the evolution or path of someone's career we can affirm that:
- has good diplomatic skills
- is likeable by people around due to generousity
- possesses strong knowlenge in own working area
- should learn to keep own motivation
Chinese zodiac compatibilities
- The Rabbit and any of the following zodiac animals can have a successful relationship:
- Pig
- Dog
- Tiger
- A relationship between the Rabbit and any of the following signs can prove to a very normal one:
- Ox
- Dragon
- Monkey
- Horse
- Goat
- Snake
- There is no affinity between the Rabbit and these ones:
- Rabbit
- Rat
- Rooster
Chinese zodiac career
If we look at its characteristics a few great careers for this zodiac animal are:
- negotiator
- police man
- administrator
- doctor
Chinese zodiac health
The following statements can explain shortly the health status of this symbol:
- should try to have a balanced daily lifestyle
- should learn how to better deal with stress
- there is a likeliness to suffer from coulds and some minor infectious diseases
- should maintain the skin in good condition because there is a chance to suffer from it
Famous people born with the same zodiac animal
Examples of celebrities born under the same zodiac animal are:
- Drew Barrymore
- Lisa Kudrow
- Lionel Messi
- Sara Gilbert
This date's ephemeris
The Nov 26 1999 ephemeris are:
Sidereal time: 04:17:56 UTC
Sun in Sagittarius at 03° 16'.
Moon was in Cancer at 11° 33'.
Mercury in Scorpio at 15° 41'.
Venus was in Libra at 18° 34'.
Mars in Capricorn at 29° 47'.
Jupiter was in Aries at 26° 03'.
Saturn in Taurus at 12° 11'.
Uranus was in Aquarius at 13° 20'.
Neptun in Aquarius at 02° 06'.
Pluto was in Sagittarius at 10° 04'.
Other astrology & horoscope facts
The weekday for November 26 1999 was Friday.
The soul number that rules the 11/26/1999 date is 8.
The celestial longitude interval related to Sagittarius is 240° to 270°.
The Ninth House and the Planet Jupiter rule Sagittarius people while their lucky sign stone is Turquoise.
For more details you can consult this special November 26th zodiac analysis.