November 26 1993 horoscope and zodiac sign meanings
Discover all the meanings of November 26 1993 horoscope by going through this birthday report that contains Sagittarius zodiac sign description, different astrology and Chinese zodiac animal meanings, love compatibilities as well as a subjective analysis on personal descriptors together with an interpretation of important lucky features.
Horoscope and zodiac sign meanings
First things first, few important astrological facts that arise from this birthday and its associated zodiac sign:
- The star sign of natives born on November 26, 1993 is Sagittarius. The period of this sign is between November 22 and December 21.
- The Archer symbolizes Sagittarius.
- The life path number that rules those born on November 26 1993 is 5.
- This sign has a positive polarity and its representative characteristics are manageable and likeable, while it is considered a masculine sign.
- The element for this sign is the Fire. Three characteristics of natives born under this element are:
- being fully aware of own spiritual potential
- lives in the present
- constantly searching for the meaning behind any change in life
- The modality linked to Sagittarius is Mutable. In general an individual born under this modality is characterized by:
- deals with unknown situations very well
- very flexible
- likes almost every change
- Sagittarius is most compatible in love with:
- Aries
- Libra
- Aquarius
- Leo
- Someone born under Sagittarius is least compatible with:
- Pisces
- Virgo
Birthday characteristics interpretation
Considering astrological meanings 26 Nov 1993 can be characterized as a surprising day. That's why through 15 descriptors related to personality chosen and assessed in a subjective way we try to discuss about some possible qualities or flaws in case of a person having this birthday, at once suggesting a lucky features chart that aims to predict good or bad impacts of the horoscope in health, love or family.
Horoscope personality descriptors chart
Rarely descriptive!
Little resemblance!
Little to few resemblance!
No resemblance!
Sometimes descriptive!
No resemblance!
Very good resemblance!
Quite descriptive!
Some resemblance!
Good description!
Great resemblance!
Great resemblance!
Completely descriptive!
Rarely descriptive!
Good description!
Horoscope lucky features chart
Little luck!
Quite lucky!
Little luck!
Pretty lucky!
Good luck!
November 26 1993 health astrology
Sagittarius natives have a horoscope predisposition to suffer from illnesses in connection to the area of the upper legs, especially thighs. A few of the possible health issues a Sagittarius may need to deal with are listed in the following rows, plus stating that the chance to be affected by other health problems should be taken into account:
Mania which represents an abnormally elevated mood state that is followed by depression symptoms in the bipolar disorder.
Gout which represents recurrent attacks of acute inflammatory arthritis.
Hernias that occur mainly in the regions of the lower back.
Hepatitis which is the inflammation of the liver because of a viral infection with one of the five hepatic viruses.
November 26 1993 zodiac animal and other Chinese connotations
The Chinese zodiac represents another approach on how to understand the influences of the birthday upon an individual's personality and attitude towards life, love, career or health. Within this analysis we will try to detail its meanings.
Zodiac animal details
- For a person born on November 26 1993 the zodiac animal is the 鷄 Rooster.
- The element for the Rooster symbol is the Yin Water.
- The lucky numbers for this zodiac animal are 5, 7 and 8, while numbers to avoid are 1, 3 and 9.
- Yellow, golden and brown are the lucky colors for this Chinese sign, while white green, are considered avoidable colors.
Chinese zodiac general characteristics
- Among the features defining this zodiac animal we can include:
- inflexible person
- commited person
- details oriented person
- boastful person
- A few common features in love of this sign are:
- sincere
- loyal
- excellent care giver
- conservative
- Some statements that can be sustained when talking about the social and interpersonal relationship skills of this sign are:
- often available to make any effort in order to make others happy
- proves to be communicative
- proves to be devoted
- often perceived as ambitious
- Few career related characteristics that may describe how this sign behaves are:
- possesses multiple talents and skills
- is a hard worker
- usually has a succesfull career
- is adaptable to any environmental changes
Chinese zodiac compatibilities
- It is considered that the Rooster is compatible with there three zodiac animals:
- Dragon
- Ox
- Tiger
- There is a normal match between Rooster and:
- Goat
- Dog
- Snake
- Rooster
- Monkey
- Pig
- Expectations should not be too large in case of a relationship between the Rooster and any of these signs:
- Horse
- Rat
- Rabbit
Chinese zodiac career
Possible careers for this zodiac animal would be:
- journalist
- customer care specialist
- editor
- book keeper
Chinese zodiac health
Regarding the health condition and worries of the Rooster we can state that:
- is in a good shape
- has a good health condition but quite sensitive to stress
- should try to improve own sleeping schedule
- should avoid any vicies
Famous people born with the same zodiac animal
These are a few celebrities born in the Rooster year:
- Groucho Marx
- Jessica Alba
- Zhuge Liang
- Rudyard Kipling
This date's ephemeris
The ephemeris coordinates for this birthday are:
Sidereal time: 04:19:44 UTC
Sun was in Sagittarius at 03° 45'.
Moon in Aries at 27° 24'.
Mercury was in Scorpio at 14° 31'.
Venus in Scorpio at 21° 13'.
Mars was in Sagittarius at 12° 09'.
Jupiter in Scorpio at 03° 15'.
Saturn was in Aquarius at 24° 21'.
Uranus in Capricorn at 19° 40'.
Neptun was in Capricorn at 19° 15'.
Pluto in Scorpio at 25° 45'.
Other astrology & horoscope facts
The day of the week for November 26 1993 was Friday.
The soul number associated with November 26 1993 is 8.
The celestial longitude interval related to Sagittarius is 240° to 270°.
Sagittarians are ruled by the 9th House and the Planet Jupiter. Their representative birthstone is Turquoise.
More facts can be found into this November 26th zodiac birthday analysis.