New Kaineng City Achievements Guide - GuildJen (2025)

GW2. End of Dragons. New Kaineng City Achievements. Guild Wars 2 Achievements Guide.

New Kaineng City Achievements Guide - GuildJen (1)

Total Achievements: 39 – 124AP – 5MP

Updated May 2023

Contents hide

1New Kaineng City Mastery

2Eligible Achievements

3Extra Achievements

4Repeatable Achievements

5Hero Points

6Mastery Insights

New Kaineng City Mastery

This is the meta achievement for New Kaineng City, you need to complete 16 of 25 eligible achievements. The rewards are20APand aWater Dragon Backpiece – [&AgGKdwEA]

Eligible Achievements

Honorary Citizen of New Kaineng – 9AP

Complete all of the renown hearts in New Kaineng City.

Kaineng Blackout – 3AP – 1MP

This achievement is earned by defeating the final boss of the map meta-event for first time.

The Kaineng Blackout meta-event occurs every 2 hours all around the map.

Check the timerhere. I will organize this mini-guide in four steps.

  • Step 1

This first part could be considered the “pre-event” and requires players to stabilize 7 zones around the map by completing events on each one, this has a 10 minute limit. Each zone have a progress bar with multiple events going on. Once all the 7 zones are stabilized players will be able to progress to the next step.

The events are very easy to find as they show with red indicators on the map.

  • Step 2

Next are the Lab events, Nahpui and Sunjiang Labs are under attack and players must split to assist both NPCs. There is 2:30 minutes to prepare and each event has a limit of 10 minutes, these can’t fail or the meta fails.

  • North Lab: Nahpui Lab — [&BLoMAAA=]
    • Event: “Defend the technicians while they redirect the power!”
  • South Lab: Sunjiang Lab — [&BJ0MAAA=]
    • Event: “Prevent Jade Brotherhood from stealing batteries”
  • Step 3

Once the Labs event are complete, each NPC will have an escort event, Yao at North and Mizuki at South. Players need to defend them while they are locking down the breaker boxes. This has a 16 minute time limit.

There are 3 zones to capture on their path and these zones must be defended as well, so a few players must stay behind while the others follow the escort. The meta fails if any zone wasn’t defended.

  • Step 4

Once the escort ends, everybody converges at the Central Power Station – [&BDENAAA=] and there are 2 minutes to prepare before the final fight.

Once inside the Power Plant, the event “Destroy the corruption before the system overloads!” starts where players must fight against the Jade Behemoth with a time limit of 15 minutes.

New Kaineng City Achievements Guide - GuildJen (23)
New Kaineng City Achievements Guide - GuildJen (24)

The boss mechanics to know:

  • Spark Absorption: When the boss gains a CC break bar, they will start absorbing jade sparks, this must be interrupted as soon as possible because the boss gains a buff called Power Overload (damage output increased).
  • Jade Projectiles: Often the boss will shoot random projectiles at the ground which might persist doing AoE damage on the area, but specifically one of them will have a circle warning animation and right after the boss will jump on it to create a shockwave attack.
  • Shockwaves: Other shockwave attacks will happen as well when the boss jumps on their location, jump above them or dodge through them to avoid massive damage.
  • Replicators: At some points in the fight, the boss will gain a jade shield and replicators will spawn. These replicators are also shielded and players must defeat the swarmers around them to weaken the shield. Once all the replicators are destroyed, the boss will be vulnerable again.

Ocean-Fresh Sashimi – 3AP

Help Sakda and Miju complete their deliveries in New Kaineng.

For this achievement you need to complete the event called “Escort Miju as they race against the clock!” at two different locations, north and south.

The event has a a cooldown of 10 minutes and usually when it’s about to start you can see four NPCs named “Sakdas Delivery Employee” at the location. If it’s not happening at one location check the other.

NOTE: This event currently has reports of bugs on different map instances, the NPC shows the event start icon but if not activated instantly the NPC will bug out. If you don’t succeed try to join another overflow.

  • South Location:
  • North Location:

Cull the Corruption – 3AP

Destroy 100 malfunctioning jade mechs in New Kaineng City. Completing the meta event will put you against plenty of these enemies, or you can find them around the Jade Brotherhood throughout the city.

New Kaineng City Achievements Guide - GuildJen (35)
New Kaineng City Achievements Guide - GuildJen (36)

Don’t Pet the Kappa – 3AP

Kill 100 kappa in New Kaineng City. These can usually be found in the sewers and waterways or at events throughout the city.

New Kaineng City Achievements Guide - GuildJen (37)
New Kaineng City Achievements Guide - GuildJen (38)
New Kaineng City Achievements Guide - GuildJen (39)

Soapbox Preacher – 3AP

Kill 100 Purists in New Kaineng City. They usually will only appear openly on the outskirts of the city, but will also hide in the populated areas disguised as “ruffians” but will become Purists when attacked. Events regarding the Purists will pop up around the city, exposing them to attack.

New Kaineng City Achievements Guide - GuildJen (40)
New Kaineng City Achievements Guide - GuildJen (41)
New Kaineng City Achievements Guide - GuildJen (42)
New Kaineng City Achievements Guide - GuildJen (43)

The Old City of Decay – 3AP

Kill 100 Unchained Risen in New Kaineng City. These are found in the northeast, in Old Kaineng.

New Kaineng City Achievements Guide - GuildJen (44)
New Kaineng City Achievements Guide - GuildJen (45)

Raptor Runner: New Kaineng City – 3AP

From the top of stairs leading to the Echovald Forest at the Petrified Woods, ride a raptor to the kirin statue near the Sunjiang Lab in under 1 minute without dismounting or teleporting.

Start at the stairs east of Petrified Shipping Docks — [&BB8NAAA=] and jump above the crates towards the statue west of Sunjiang Lab — [&BJ0MAAA=] . Check the video below to see how to do it.

Springer Fling: New Kaineng City – 3AP

From the entrance behind the waterfall at the Central Power Station, ride a springer to the center platform at the waterfall’s edge in under 1 minute without dismounting or teleporting.

Start at the entrance of Central Power Station – [&BDENAAA=] and jump your way up to Haebaragi’s Tears – [&BK8MAAA=] under 1 minute. Check the video below to see how to do it.

Crow Catcher – 3AP – 1MP

Use your springer to catch every crow in Grub Lane.

With your Springer you need to jump and catch 6 unique crows flying around the area. You can see the map below, each crow will be roaming around each of those areas. Catching them mid air can be tricky and there is no way to track which one you got already so I suggest you start from the west.

Literary Thievery – 3AP

Read 3 thief journals.

Simple enough, collect and read 3 thief journals around New Kaineng City, check the locations below.

New Kaineng City Achievements Guide - GuildJen (48)
New Kaineng City Achievements Guide - GuildJen (49)
New Kaineng City Achievements Guide - GuildJen (50)
New Kaineng City Achievements Guide - GuildJen (51)
New Kaineng City Achievements Guide - GuildJen (52)
New Kaineng City Achievements Guide - GuildJen (53)

Cleanup Duty – 3AP

Erase 15 Jade Brotherhood graffiti in New Kaineng City.

Approach the green graffiti on the walls and interact with them to erase. The map below shows the locations.

NOTE: Number 12 is currently bugged.

Clear the Canals – 5AP

Destroy 15 flotsams with your boat in New Kaineng City.

For this achievement you need to ride your Skiff and drive through 15 different floatsams. The map below shows all the locations.

You can destroy the same floatsam again but it won’t give you extra progress on the achievement. Another player as co-driver can be rewarded with progress as well even if they aren’t piloting the Skiff.

Honorary Plumber – 3AP

Clear 14 underwater drains in Kaineng City.

To earn this achievement you need to clear 14 underwater drains around the map, check the map below for all the locations.

The History of New Kaineng – 3AP – 1MP

Find 8 lore tablets in New Kaineng. Interact with the Kids or the records directly at the specific locations shown below.

  • New Kaineng Zoning Record 0001
    • Reactor Station — [&BAENAAA=]
  • New Kaineng Zoning Record 0013
    • Ministry Headquarters — [&BJYMAAA=]
  • New Kaineng Zoning Record 0024
    • Red Duck Tea House — [&BPsMAAA=]
  • New Kaineng Zoning Record 0039
    • Tengu Square — [&BNsMAAA=]
  • New Kaineng Zoning Record 0072
    • Garden Heights Waypoint — [&BBYNAAA=]
  • New Kaineng Zoning Record 0111
    • The Old Steamshop — [&BO8MAAA=]
  • New Kaineng Zoning Record 0132
    • Aetherblade Camp — [&BJcMAAA=]
  • New Kaineng Zoning Record 1342
    • Ancient Vault — [&BOsMAAA=]

Abyssal Dive – 1AP

Use the diving goggles near a hidden Aetherblade camp. East of Aetherblade Camp – [&BJcMAAA=] in the Old Kaineng Ruins.

Wind through the Walls – 3AP – 1MP

Reach the end of the jumping puzzle in the ruins of Old Kaineng.

Start at west of Jade Brotherhood Hideout — [&BIoMAAA=] up the stairs by the Jade Battery and follow the path to the left avoiding the winds that will push you down. You can’t use mounts but you can glide. Be aware that you will need at least 1 Jade charge to open the last chest. Check the video below to know how to do it.

The Hidden Vault – 5AP – 1MP

Uncover the tragic tale behind the vault in the murky depths of Old Kaineng.

To open the underwater Hidden Vault you need to complete the following three tasks.

NOTE: The event happens every 15 minutes.

  • Vault Key
    • Jade Brotherhood Hideout — [&BIoMAAA=]
New Kaineng City Achievements Guide - GuildJen (78)
New Kaineng City Achievements Guide - GuildJen (79)
  • Spirits Event
    • “Pacify restless spirits to unlock the vault door”
  • Open Vault Gate
    • Ancient Vault — [&BOsMAAA=]

Building a Better Bot – 4AP – 1MP (Arborstone)

Retrieve a variety of behavioral data to help build a better bot.

Arborstone Achievements Guide

The End of the Celestial Ministry – 5AP – 1MP (Arborstone)

Assist Hui in gathering a history of the Celestial Ministers.

Arborstone Achievements Guide

Little Foxes in the Big City – 10AP

Play with all shrine guardian infants in New Kaineng City at least once.

This achievement requires you to find 35 Shrine Guardian Infants, which you can find the guide for it below:

Little Foxes in the Big City Achievement Guide

New Kaineng Jade Bot Racer: Gold – 3AP

New Kaineng Jade Bot Racer: Silver – 2AP

The time limit for this adventure is 2 minutes, fly your jade bot and grab 25 targets for Silver medal and 30 targets for Gold medal. Check the video below to know how to do it.

New Kaineng Skiff Racer: Gold – 3AP

New Kaineng Skiff Racer: Silver – 2AP

For this adventure you need to complete the course using your Skiff under 2:35 minutes for Silver medal and under 2:05 minutes for Gold medal. Use your skills 1, 2, 3 to reduce or increase speed while turning and the skill 5 for a speed boost while necessary.

Extra Achievements

Light These Streets – 2AP

Transfer power to 43 jade lanterns at points of interest in New Kaineng City.

For this achievement you need to interact and power up (with Jade Charge) a total of 43 Jade Lanterns around New Kaineng City. Basically revisiting all the locations after completion of exploring all of the map.

NOTE:The Lanterns aren’t visible until you fully complete the map. If you still don’t see them after map completion you might need to relog.

NOTE:Lanterns that have aleady been lit can’t be interacted with again until the achievement is complete so you can’t waste charges.

NOTE:This achievement can be repeated in order to gain an extra Chest of the Jade Explorer which contains Lamplighter’s Badge.

Read “The Secret of the Vault” – 5AP

Read “The Secret of the Vault,” found throughout the sunken ruins of Old Kaineng.

Interact and read all the books around the ruins of Old Kaineng, check the locations below.

Repair Crew Royale – 3AP

Complete repair crew escort events in the north and south of New Kaineng.

For this achievement you need to complete the event called “Protect the repair crew” at two different locations, north and south.

  • North Location
New Kaineng City Achievements Guide - GuildJen (105)
New Kaineng City Achievements Guide - GuildJen (106)
  • South Location

Weekly New Kaineng City Jade Treasure Recovery – 0AP

Complete Kaineng Blackout in New Kaineng City.

Complete the Kaineng Blackout meta-event one time per week. This will reward you a Jade Gate Statuette.

Repeatable Achievements

Always in Working Order – 0AP
Prerequisite: Repair Crew Royale

Complete repair crew escort events in the north and south of New Kaineng.

A repeatable version ofRepair Crew Royale, without achievement points but extra rewards.

Delivery Service Champion – 0AP
Prerequisite: Ocean-Fresh Sashimi

Help Sakda and Miju complete their deliveries in New Kaineng.

A repeatable version ofOcean-Fresh Sashimi, without achievement points but extra rewards.

Hero of New Kaineng – 0AP

Defeat the “Protector” of New Kaineng.

A repeatable version ofKaineng Blackout, without achievement points but extra rewards.

Working as Intended – 0AP
Prerequisite: Clear the Canals

Destroy 15 flotsams with your boat in New Kaineng City.

A repeatable version ofClear the Canals, without achievement points but extra rewards.

Reliving the Tragedy – 2AP Max
Prerequisite: The Hidden Vault

Regain access to the hidden vault in the depths of Old Kaineng.

A repeatable version ofThe Hidden Vault, with a maximum of 2 achievement points but extra rewards without limit.

Champion Plumber – 2AP Max
Prerequisite: Honorary Plumber

Clear 14 underwater drains in Kaineng City.

A repeatable version ofHonorary Plumber, with a maximum of 2 achievement points but extra rewards without limit.

No-Fun Police – 2AP Max
Prerequisite: Cleanup Duty

Erase 15 Jade Brotherhood graffiti in New Kaineng City.

A repeatable version ofCleanup Duty, with a maximum of 2 achievement points but extra rewards without limit.

Harbinger of Zhaitan – 2AP Max
Prerequisite: The Old City of Decay

Kill 200 Unchained Risen in New Kaineng City.

A repeatable version ofThe Old City of Decay, with a maximum of 2 achievement points but extra rewards without limit.

Kappa Exterminator – 2AP Max
Prerequisite: Don’t Pet the Kappa

Kill 200 kappa in New Kaineng City.

A repeatable version ofDon’t Pet the Kappa, with a maximum of 2 achievement points but extra rewards without limit.

Not in This Neighborhood – 2AP Max
Prerequisite: Soapbox Preacher

Kill 200 Purists in New Kaineng City.

A repeatable version ofSoapbox Preacher, with a maximum of 2 achievement points but extra rewards without limit.

Protector of Kaineng – 2AP Max
Prerequisite: Cull the Corruption

Destroy 200 malfunctioning jade mechs in New Kaineng City.

A repeatable version ofCull the Corruption, with a maximum of 2 achievement points but extra rewards without limit.

Hero Points

New Kaineng City Hero Points Guide

Mastery Insights

New Kaineng City Mastery Insight Guide
New Kaineng City Achievements Guide - GuildJen (2025)
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Author: Nathanael Baumbach

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Views: 5775

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Author information

Name: Nathanael Baumbach

Birthday: 1998-12-02

Address: Apt. 829 751 Glover View, West Orlando, IN 22436

Phone: +901025288581

Job: Internal IT Coordinator

Hobby: Gunsmithing, Motor sports, Flying, Skiing, Hooping, Lego building, Ice skating

Introduction: My name is Nathanael Baumbach, I am a fantastic, nice, victorious, brave, healthy, cute, glorious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.