Adams Escalator Catalog (2025)

1. Download the ADAMS Escalator Parts Catalog

  • ADAMS escalator parts catalog with 140-plus pages and more parts than any other distributor, from handrails to drives and everything safety-related.

  • With 140-plus pages and more parts than any other distributor, the latest ADAMS escalator parts catalog will become one of your most important tools.

2. [PDF] Escalator Parts Catalog Vol. 1.1 - ADAMS Elevator

  • We have added nearly 15,000 parts, doubling the number of elevator and escalator service parts. Adams offers. That means you can make one call to Adams and very ...

3. [PDF] Adams Elevator & Escalator Parts - Lift Solutions

  • Adams Elevator & Escalator Parts. CALL TOLL-FREE i1-888-277-8310. 360-862-8328 ... Call Lift Solutions… we ll help. Catalog Vol. 18.

4. Adams Fixtures -

  • Adams Elevator is the largest wholesale distributor of elevator and escalator replacement parts, tools, and supplies.

  • Keys for Adams fixtures, commonly seen on craft elevators.


6. Escalator Boards - Adams

  • ... . Parts · Online Catalog · PDF Master Catalog · Contact Us. Filters. Adams Remove filter · Adams · Kone · O&K · Otis · Schindler · ThyssenKrupp · Home Escalator ...

  • North East Elevator Escalator Parts, Elevator Parts, Escalator Parts, Schindler, ThyssenKrupp, Kone, Otis, fujitec, neeep, neep, Mega Elevator Parts, Prime Ele

7. Adams - Elevator Wiki - Fandom

  • Adams manufactures and sells elevator and escalator parts to other elevator companies. They also manufactcure and sell replacement elevator and escalator parts ...

  • Adams Elevator Equipment Company is a USA-based company and the largest wholesale distributor of elevator and escalator replacement parts, elevator tools, elevator diagnostic tools, etc, including elevator fixtures. Adams manufactures and sells elevator and escalator parts to other elevator companies. They also manufactcure and sell replacement elevator and escalator parts for many different brands to elevator maintenance companies. This includes parts discontinued by their original manufacturer

8. Adams Elevator Equipment - Design Guide

  • More than 40,000 of the most frequently needed elevator & escalator parts are stocked in our state-of-the-art warehouse. We know what it takes to keep elevators ...

  • A directory of top American Design Professionals: architects, engineers, interior designers, landscape architects, lighting designers, acoustical consultants, art consultants, cad & drafting consultants, signage & graphics consultants, security and telecom consultants, 3D rendering, illustrators, animation consultants, architectural model makers and architectural photographers.

9. [PDF] Adams Elevator Products - CED Catalog

  • for 24 hour order entry, cross reference data base, product specifications with pictures and much more! Full line catalog available on request. 1. ADAMS.

10. List of Adams elevator fixtures - Elevator Wiki - Fandom

  • Schindler transferred the HT product line to Adams in 2017. So that they can produce the component replacement. External link. Adams Fixture Components brochure ...

  • This is a guide of elevator fixtures manufactured by Adams Elevator. Survivor are round push buttons with black halo and white surface. They have either incandescent or LED illumination (both lamps are sold separately). The old-style Survivor buttons, however, are still available as special order. There are Adams Survivor buttons specially made to replace Westinghouse Type "A" buttons, Adams Survivor/O to replace Otis Touch/VIP buttons, and Adams Survivor/D made to replace Dover Traditional butt

11. Precision Catalogs | Escalator Parts | Escalator Cleaning

  • PRECISION ESCALATOR CATALOG (PDF) · Haughton Catalog · Hitachi Catalog · Hyundai Catalog · Kone O&K Catalog · LG Mit Tosh Catalog · Montgomery Catalog.

  • PRECISION     ESCALATOR    CATALOG Click to open in new window PRECISION     ESCALATOR    CATALOG    (PDF)    

12. Catalog & Price Lists | Adams Rite

  • Catalogs & Pricelists ... Explore our entire Adams Rite Catalog online using our Digital Library. Search for products, download and share select pages and more.

  • May 2024 Pricelist

13. Products — Tagged "Kone" — Page 4 - North East Escalator Parts

  • ... Misc. Hardware · Misc. Parts · Online Catalog · PDF Master Catalog · Contact Us. Filters. Kone Remove filter · 3 WAY JAW PULLER · ABB · Acme · Adams · Adapter ...

  • North East Elevator Escalator Parts, Elevator Parts, Escalator Parts, Schindler, ThyssenKrupp, Kone, Otis, fujitec, neeep, neep, Mega Elevator Parts, Prime Ele

14. Adams Elevator Parts

  • At MEGA, we carry elevator components, polyurethane rollers, safety equipment, power tools, instruments and hydraulic oils—the broadest product selection ...

  • MEGA is the official distributor of ADAMS and we stock a large variety of their products. ADAMS is the nation’s leading manufacturer and distributor of quality replacement parts for all major brands of elevators and escalators. At MEGA, we carry elevator components, polyurethane rollers, safety equipment, power tools, instruments and hydraulic oils—the broadest product selection around.

Adams Escalator Catalog (2025)


Who makes the best escalators? ›

The following is a list of the top 8 elevator and escalator companies worldwide:
  • Hyundai Elevator. ...
  • Kone Corporation. ...
  • Schindler. ...
  • Otis Corporation. ...
  • TK Elevator. ...
  • Hitachi Ltd. ...
  • Mitsubishi Electric Corporation. ...
  • Fujitec Co.
Aug 7, 2024

Who owns Adams elevator Company? ›

In 1982, Adams was acquired by Westinghouse. This might have been when they started making their own designs of elevator fixtures. Adams was acquired by Schindler in 1989 when Westinghouse was bought out.

What was the first store with an escalator? ›

Author. On Wednesday, November 16th, 1898, Harrods department store in London opened up the first escalator — or moving staircase as it was called — in England.

Where was the first escalator in the US? ›

The first escalator, then known as an incline elevator, was installed at the Old Iron Pier at Coney Island in New York City on January 16, 1893. The moving stairway elevated passengers on a conveyor belt at a 25-degree angle and traveled only seven feet.

How much is a brand new escalator? ›

Depending on the size and height of the escalator, the average escalator can cost anywhere from $125,000 to as much as $325,000. However, this price range does not take into account the cost of parts for an unassembled escalator or installation.

Which is better, KONE or Schindler? ›

KONE is a global leader in the elevator and escalator industry. They make people's journeys safe, convenient ON and reliable, in taller, smarter buildings. Schindler manufactures, installs, maintains, and modernizes elevators and escalators for almost every type of building requirement worldwide.

What is the life expectancy of an escalator? ›

More than 40 years, if properly maintained.

What happened to the old lady with shopping cart on escalator? ›

Martha Short, 83, died August 29 after an accident involving her shopping cart and an escalator at a Nashville grocery store. According to police reports, Short mistook a pedestrian escalator for a shopping cart-accessible escalator as she attempted to go from the Harris Teeter store down to the parking garage.

What is the largest escalator brand? ›

Fujitec is a Japanese company that has been making escalators and moving walkways for over 50 years. It is the world's largest manufacturer of escalators with more than 60% of the global market share.

What state has only one escalator? ›

Join me as we count the escalators in Wyoming: There's the one at First Interstate Bank in downtown Casper. There's the one at Hilltop National Bank out on Country Club Road in Casper. And that's it.

What do Americans call escalators? ›

This one is consistent. Both use escalator for a moving stairway. Americans call the box that goes up and down in a building (which is the safest form of transport in the world judging on miles covered) an elevator, the British call it a lift.

Which is America's most escalator challenged state? ›

There are only two sets of escalators in the great state of Wyoming. Not that's there's anything wrong with that – but a new report has exposed the plight of citizens of America's least populated state, who are being forced to use their legs to move between floors of buildings.

Which company is better OTIS or Kone? ›

Compare company reviews, salaries and ratings to find out if KONE or OTIS is right for you. KONE is most highly rated for Compensation and benefits and OTIS is most highly rated for Compensation and benefits. Learn more, read reviews and see open jobs.

Which brand lift is the best? ›

What are the top elevator brands in the world?
  • Schindler (Switzerland)
  • Kone (Finland)
  • Otis Elevator Company (US)
  • Fujitec (Japan)
  • Hyundai Elevator (South Korea)
  • Mitsubishi Electric (Japan)
  • TK Elevator (Germany)
  • Hitachi (Japan)
Mar 12, 2024

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Author: Kareem Mueller DO

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Author information

Name: Kareem Mueller DO

Birthday: 1997-01-04

Address: Apt. 156 12935 Runolfsdottir Mission, Greenfort, MN 74384-6749

Phone: +16704982844747

Job: Corporate Administration Planner

Hobby: Mountain biking, Jewelry making, Stone skipping, Lacemaking, Knife making, Scrapbooking, Letterboxing

Introduction: My name is Kareem Mueller DO, I am a vivacious, super, thoughtful, excited, handsome, beautiful, combative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.